LactoCran+ probiotics improves urinary tract health and function, thereby building resistance to infection.

Support Urinary Tract Health!

LactoCran+ probiotics work in a synergistic triple effect combining clinically proven CranMax with specially selected 19 probiotic strains, 10 billion CFU and prebiotics to block the pathogenic effects of many common UTI causing bacteria. LactoCran + is able to lower the dependency on antibiotics for the common UTI and helps to prevent recurrent UTI. The clinically proven and USA patented cranberry (Cran-Max) promotes cleansing of the urinary tract. There are numerous clinically studies supporting Cran-Max for UTI prevention and helping to relieve UTI.

Available in clinics and all major retail pharmacies.

LactoCran+ probiotics

Relieve pesky urinary tract infection (UTI) with LactoCran+ Premium Cranberry Probiotics 30’s! This product is infused with CranMax—a USA patented cranberry formula that promotes cleaner urinary tract and better digestive health.

This CranMax is combined with 19 powerful probiotics & prebiotics that block out the pathogenic effects of UTI-causing bacteria. Additionally, the Bio-Shield Technology in this product helps protect the CranMax as it makes its way to the digestive system to achieve high stability & optimal delivery to the tract. LactoCran+ also lowers the dependency on antibiotics & prevents UTI from recurring by lowering the risk of bacterial infection.

Key Features & Benefits

Effectively relieves urinary tract infection (UTI)
Promotes cleansing of urinary tract
Promotes better digestive health
Blocks out the pathogens in UTI-causing bacteria
Lowers one’s dependency on antibiotics
Lowers the risk of bacterial infection
Made in Korea

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