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The NanoFx® is a smaller, deeper, better alternative to traditional microfracture procedures.
NanoFx® is a new treatment approach to mesenchymal stem cell stimulation. This new approach to microfracture provides several advantages when compared to standard bone marrow stimulation procedure.
It becomes a better option where bone marrow stimulation procedures are used to improve the tissue repair response, for example cartilage lesions or rotator cuff tears.
The New Approach to Microfracture
The system consists of a reusable hand instrument and a single-use disposable PleuriStik™ k-wire used to perform a microfracture procedure for the treatment of small, localized articular cartilage defect sites. The 1mm PleuriStik disrupts less surface area than a standard microfracture technique and was purposefully designed to reduce damage to the subchondral plate. It penetrates down to a standardized 9mm depth to reach the targeted marrow cells, three times deeper than comparable microfracture techniques.
When tested against an awl or generic k-wire, NanoFx® resulted in thin, fragmented cancellous bone channels without rotational heat generation. It also demonstrated deep cancellous bone perforation with a higher number of open trabecular channels.
NanoFx Microfracture System: A Smaller, Deeper, Better Alternative to Traditional Microfracture Procedures
The NanoFx® (Nanofracture®) system consists of a reusable hand instrument and a single-use disposable PleuriStik™ k-wire used to perform a microfracture procedure for the treatment of small, localized articular cartilage defect sites. The 1mm PleuriStik disrupts less surface area than a standard microfracture technique and was purposefully designed to reduce damage to the subchondral plate. It penetrates down to a standardized 9mm depth to reach the targeted marrow cells, three times deeper than comparable microfracture techniques.
When tested against an awl or generic k-wire, NanoFx resulted in thin, fragmented cancellous bone channels without rotational heat generation. It also demonstrated deep cancellous bone perforation with a higher number of open trabecular channels.
The NanoFx handle is available with a 15° angle and as an A-Curve, specifically designed for hard to access ankle lesions.
Key Features & Benefits

Disposable, always sharp 1mm PleuriStik with reusable targeting handle is an easy-to-use cell delivery system that disrupts less surface area than a standard microfracture technique, reducing damage to the subchondral plate